

2017-present, Septima P/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Frontend/GIS developer - Septima is a small (18 emplyees) GIS agency based in the center of Copenhagen. We are passionate about open data, in fact, Denmark freeing their public data in 2013 directly lead to Septima being started.

At Septima I mainly work with frontend projects, in Javascript and C#. Some of our projects are listed here.

PlanDK2+ Vector Tiles

Project for The Danish Business Authority. Exploring municipal local plans powered by vector tiles. Written in React/Redux with Mapbox GL JS with a MapTiler base map and our own custom vector tiles for the plans. -link

Septima Search is Septima’s search component, which can be configured to use many different sources. I’ve contributed with making a C# component and integrated it into ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. Currently, I am making a fully configurable and customizable React component for it, based on Downshift.

Septima På Tur

Application for teachers to plan and store school trips. They can plan their trips walking, cycling, using public transit, or combining them. Written in VueJS, with Mapbox GL JS, using a base map from MapTiler and our own routing service written in OpenTripPlanner.


Developed by Septima for the IT and Development Agency of the Danish Ministry of Taxation, UFST, to connect data from The Central Register of Buildings and Dwellings (BBR) and GeoDanmark, the Danish “master map”.

2013-2017, Norkart, Sandvika, Norway

Developer - Norkart is a leading GIS software vendor in Norway.

Norkart was my first professional dev job, and were I grew into my current role as a web developer eventually growing an expertise as a frontend developer, but I also got to work on building APIs and live-synced backend services and databases.


2013, MSc, Engineering and ICT, Geoinformatics, Trondheim, Norway

2012, PG Diploma/Erasmus exchange, Geoinformatics, ITC - University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

John Wika Haakseth